
You Cannot Miss This: Master illustrator, S.britt

GrainEdit.com recently posted an interview with S.britt, an amazing illustrator from Portland, Oregon. What is so fascinating about S.britt, aside from his funky use of color and humor and amazing ability to create, is where he says he gets his inspiration.  Here is an excerpt from GrainEdit's interview with him, (which can be found in full here GrainEdit.com):
Who or what are some of your influences?
" Raindrops on rummies and whiskers on women
Bright copper swamp stills and buck naked swimmin'
Covered in calamine, to soothe the wasp stings
These are a few of my favorite things!
Big Chief tablets and Sharpies for doodles
Schlitz and tuna fish and Top Ramen noodles
In a tattered blue bathrobe, fit for a king
These are a few of my favorite things!
Raccoons and hobos that go through your trashes
Thirty-one bite marks and red swollen scratches
A dozen more rabies shots just before spring
These are a few of my favorite things!
When the rent's late, when the water breaks
When I'm feeling sad,  
I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!"
 (If this tune isn't stuck in your head for the remainder of the day...) But really, I love his answer to this sometimes over-asked question.  In a roundabout way, S.britt is crediting everything in life as his inspiration, which is something we all may take a bit too for granted. After all, there is undoubtedly something amazing sitting right outside your window... and I for one, need to remember to always take that second look!

Here are a few examples of S.britt's amazing work... and the inspirations he talks about are definitely present. He's wonderful. Oh, and if you get the chance to check out his website, that's pretty wonderful, too.
(All photos credited to GrainEdit.com and S.britt)

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