
You Cannot Miss This: Creativity at its finest

The beauty of design is the creativity that goes along with it.  Without a creative heart and mind, it'd be impossible to, well... create.  And, it is for the love of the art that I post this "eclectic" mix of all that inspires Cassie:

I wanted to start by giving you my favorite quote.  I only found it recently, but it really resonates with me... especially when I get frustrated with life:
"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been.  You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.  What you'll discover will be wonderful.  What you'll discover is yourself." - Alan Alda
(Ah...I think it's perfect.)

Okay, moving on. So I was browsing the web, and found this video of random people. You really must see this... if only just a little:

I mean, how much more "creative" can you get? I'm constantly baffled by human thought. There literally are no limitations. I must, must keep this in mind more often.

Annnnd lastly, I leave you with a quirky band promo flyer (I think) that I randomly found. It's innovative, yet a bit obvious at the same time.  And it works. Oh, and the use of white space is flawless. 

Photo credited to a new website I found: 

Okay friends, that's all I have for now. Take care, and I hope you have a very inspired day :)
- Cassie


  1. I seriously love that video so much. I can't imagine how long that took to put together. Thank you for the prototype break!

  2. Great quote. Inspirational. Perfect timing. :)

  3. Although you said that your first post was kind of a random mixture of things that inspire you, I thought the quote and video worked perfectly together, reminding us that design how no boundaries. Love it!
