
Critique: I'm just a weird bill...

Of all of my least favorite things to do in the world, designing department pages is rapidly climbing to the top of the list.

Being dramatic? Possibly. Exaggerating? Not at all. It's absolutely miserable for my type of personality.

For one, when it comes to design, I'm extremely detail-orientated. (This is weird, as in life, I'm quite the opposite.) But really, this just makes everything take about three hours longer than necessary. So, last Sunday as I sat at my post in the VOX office and overly analyzed every single aspect of my (five) pages allotted to design. Overwhelmed, I positioned, and then reposition, every image/set of text about a million times. Oh, and have I mentioned that I'm horrible at puzzles? It's not fun. I try to make things work, and then they don't... until about five hours later.

To cut myself off... let's just say that my second department design experience was draining. But, in retrospect, it's a skill that I'm going to have to get good at - every publication has departments, and every department has tricky situations. I've got to learn to work a little faster and stop overanalyzing the little things, which go hand-in-hand. 

That is my goal for the next couple of weeks: pick up the pace and be confident in what I do. 

Anyways, here are the rough copies of my "Short Talk" pages (p.s., the grey spaces = ads.) Oh, and I'll give special notice to my little "weird Bill" illustration. He just makes me happy, and creating him actually upped my Illustrator knowledge a ton. So for that, I am grateful :)

Last but not least, I'm currently working on/almost done with my three cover concepts for the 04.08 issue.  The concept is based off of the "dialogues" feature, which is a piece of a bunch of mini stories compiled together.  All of the minis are of conversations heard in random places around Columbia... and it's actually pretty fun trying to conceptualize visually! I'm presenting my ideas tomorrow in class, and then I'll be sure to post them on here asap. 

Have a great rest of the week, and happy St. Patrick's Day from someone not Irish at all!
- Cassie

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