
You Cannot Miss This: Movie poster magic

Fun fact about Cassie? I'm a huge movie buff.  And even though I have very little time (or money) to donate toward my hobby of watching and collecting movies, I've found a way to work them back into my life: their posters!

Up until recently, I hadn't really thought much about the design work that goes into creating them... Usually I only look at them in passing, or as I'm ripping the dvd out & discarding the case without much thought.  And that's unfortunate, because there really is an often-overlooked beauty about movie posters.

Sure, some of them merely rely on a good-looking actor to carry all of the weight, but most of them assume people are a bit more complex than that.  And, in that realization, most are designed with the concept of the movie in mind, and are extremely innovative.  Here are a few that I found while looking around:

All of these have either incredible conceptual grace, amazing typography, movement and/or innovation.

And yes, I'm kidding about that last one... hehe.

But really, what I love most about these posters is that it reminds me that brilliant design is everywhere, and not just in abstract things.  Noticing these different forms of brilliant design will not only broaden our ability to create for the world, but also opens our minds and allows us to be inspired by much, much more.  And, it doesn't hurt to recognize and appreciate fellow designers right? We are all of the same craft, after all.

Have a great day!
- Cassie

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