
In Response To: Portfolios, progress reports & Meredith designs

Due to a random case of the stomach flu (not fun), I was unable to attend our portfolio session in class on Tuesday. Thankfully, we have these wonderful blogs, and I fully intend to devote some time to seeing what my classmates have accomplished outside of class.  I'll be back with those comments soon!

Before my momentary absence, I was lucky enough to meet with Jan to discuss my progress to date.  She had really great things to say, which definitely helped encourage me into these next huge assignments.  Sometimes I do let myself get overwhelmed by my "newness" in the world of design, but it definitely motivates me to learn as much as I can in order to catch up.  That said, a major piece of advice that I'm taking with me for next few months is for me to work tirelessly to build up my portfolio.

On a different note, I am also currently working on (and am almost finished with) my Meredith prototypes! And aside from me being overly-critical right now, I'm confident in my designs! We all present to our groups tomorrow, and I am actually really excited for this part.  All of my designs are very content-driven, and I've been thinking my way through this whole (stressful) process.  So, regardless of whether or not my concept is chosen, I can sleep better at night knowing that I at least accomplished that.

Anyway, I'll be back soon with an update on my thoughts regarding my talented classmates' work and the results of the Meredith presentations!  Until then,
- Cassie


  1. Despite your food poisoning/stomach flu, your prototype was amazing Cassie! Great job!

  2. I missed seeing your portfolio (though I'm glad you were at home resting and getting better). I think you have a unique style and I'd like to see more of your work!
