
Critique: 3 "Medieval" concepts

Last week, I designed three cover concepts for the 03.04.2010 "Medieval Warriors" feature.  These are the three (very rough draft) concepts that I presented in class on Thursday:
#1: Traditional Middle Ages
Concept: I wanted to go with the traditional view of the Middle Ages: bold, yet flat, colors, gothic type, and the decorative matt.  I found this one to be very "obvious", yet attention grabbing.

#2: Time Travel
Concept: Who are these people running around, reenacting a time period that existed over one hundred years ago, and why are they in Columbia? I wanted to ask the question that most people ask when they see these recreations, and do so in a modern way to show the contrasting time periods.  Also, it was important that I tie in the locality of it all.

#3: Dress Up
Concept: Lastly, I wanted to represent the juvenile stereotype that this organization, and others like it, have.  The article discusses this group's actions in depth, and exposes the truth behind the stereotypes placed on them. 

In the end, my concept #2 was chosen as the cover I should fully execute.  I agree with the decision, however, I do find it slightly humorous that the design chosen was the one that last popped in my head, and had the shortest amount of time devoted to it.  I love that.

Anyways, I will present the final draft of the design this thursday, and I'll be sure to keep you updated!

- Cassie


  1. I really like your time travel concept. It's fun while still being conceptual!

  2. I really liked all of the designs. I love the attention to detail and how they were a mix of elements- a graphic element, photo, great typography. Definitely catches the eye.
